Thursday, February 12, 2009


So Jessica Simpson has been in the entertainment news lately because she was pictured performing at an outside concert (in Florida??) and she appeared to have gain some poundage. Now the media will not leave the poor girl alone because of her apparent weight gain. Society views it an unforgivable sin for women to gain weight. Do we internalize the pressure to stay thin? Also, why are men given a pass and women are not? Is that fair? Also, if Jessica Simpson goes from a size 4 to say a 12 would she be less happy? Will her quality of life actually decrease? Will she be pressured to exercise (based on society feedback)? Will her career actually suffer? Will she begin to exercise because she wants to be 'healthy'? What is healthy? Are we all supposed to maintain a smaller size to be considered healthy? Can we not be a size 12 and be considered healthy?


  1. Good post- This has alot to do with peoples self esteem or lack there of. Thank goodnes my mother told this darkskinned, nappyheaded, ashy, snotnosed little boy he was a superstar!

  2. I like both comments

  3. Go Jessica Simpson! I'm so happy for her she finally broke out of that fake make believe life. She is now liberated from trying to fit into the false images of Hollywood. Her health and happiness are more important than trying to stay a size 0 just to please the media!

  4. Hmm-Jessica Simpson. It is true that Jessica has added wieght to what was initially a petite frame. This is how Jessica engaged her public. Jessica gave her public the image it wanted and she entertained her public with the ability to sing. Her career has a lot to do with image. That is how she sounds, and her physical attributes HOW SHE LOOKS. Is that fair, maybe not, but I am sure Jessica is and was well aware of the game. The entertainment field that is. This type of judgement happens to every day women who work regular 9-5s everyday. So Jessica is sure to be subjected to it. Will her quality of life decrease? Maybe if her mind is not strong enough for public opinion. Will her career suffer? We will see. Will she exercise? She should, it is in her job description and its healthy. I believe jessica played Daisy Duke. I grew up watching Daisy Duke. Jessica knows what she needs to do to maintain. Her fans or fanatics are her bosses. She knows what to do if she wants to keep her job. I can't apologize for it because it is what it is!

  5. The use of the word "poundage" has negative connotations. You might want to watch how you word your posts. -JK
