Thursday, February 26, 2009


So I looked up scholarly articles on fat culture and in this one particular article it discussed how a woman's self-image is tied into our appearance. The messages we see in the media are both overt and subtle messages in terms of our appearance. Women are in a constant uphill battle because from early on girls are taught that the single most important aspect of being female is our outward appearance. When we look at media images on t.v. we see cosmetic after cosmetic ads and slender models squeezed into clothes that are a size or two smaller than their actual size which conveys the message that we need to spend all kinds of time and energy to be beautiful at any cost. It's natural for females to compare ourselves to the dominant image portrayed in the media. So with this being said where does that leave women who do not fit within these images?


  1. Women,men, children.... All of these people are concerned with images. Being tough strong smart are adjectives that most people would like to be described as. How about sexy? We all know that everyone wants to appeal to someone else physically. There are sexy clothes for children these days. What women need to realize is that they really need to maintain a positive self image for their physical, mental and emotional health. They also need to realize that all men do not like one type of size as far as women are concerned. I know women who honestly do not put enough time or effort into themselves. Montronly is how they look. Depressed is how they look. Uniteresting is how they look. Some of them are not over weight. I know heavy set women who are sexy because they put time into themselves and are confident. I am not saying they should not be healthier, but the positive self image and confidence improves the appearance.

  2. LOVE yourself for who YOU are! God made you beautiful and unique according to His image of who you should be. Comparing ourselves to others is a waste of time and energy. Women need to take charge of their lives and not fall prey to the images in magazines, tv etc.
