Monday, April 27, 2009


Are there attitudes that fat women have against skinny women? The comedian Monique calls skinny women the following: skinny b(s), skinny heifers, she talks about how she wants to fight skinny women. Why does she have such animosity towards skinny women. Is what she said really valid? Is she feel that she really happy about about being fat or is she envious because she is not skinny? What's the underlying issue?

Monday, April 20, 2009


In the news recently it has been reported that American Airlines began charging obese individuals who can not comfortably fit into their airline seats the cost of two seats. Other airlines are following suit... It seems a little unjust to do because I am a thin individual and those seats are uncomfortably narrow for anyone who is tall, or not obese. I think the airlines should first remodel the interior of their aircraft and make the seats more travel friendly for all before attempting to charging obese individuals the cost of two seats to travel via their aircraft.

Monday, April 13, 2009


The contestants on the 'Biggest Loser' are looking great! There are some contestants on the show that have lost over 100 pounds. There are 7 contestants left on the show. The average weight loss for the remaining contestants is 109. However, when the show began (when the contestants were at their largest) during the weigh in portion of the show, before they got on the scale the men had to take their t-shirts off before getting on the scale and the women had to remove their shirt and in their sports bra before being weighed. Last week at the fourteenth week state the contestants are looking good. HOWEVER, during the weigh in the contestants no longer had to take their t-shirts off. Because it seems like now that the contestants are getting smaller the show can no longer objectify them. There isn't a shock value with the severity of their weight. This year I've been looking at the show more objectively, and my eyes have been opened a great deal.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


I know a person that teaches a class at the 2 different gym locations. To look at her one would not conclude that she was anywhere near fit enough to actually teach a class. She's what one would not only classify as a 'big boned' individual but she also has a wide middle with stomach rolls.

But that got me thinking about what is fit? Does fit mean a muscular, athletic build? Or does fitness come in all shapes and sizes??

Monday, March 16, 2009


I was listening to the news this morning and heard that there was a poll conducted where women were asked 'If they were given the choice would they rather be called a slut or fat?' Amazingly 71% of the women surveyed said they would rather be called a slut.

That reveals a great deal about the female psyche and perceived body image.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


First I want to start off by saying that Ruby looked fabulous on Oprah. For me, Ruby's personality is effervescent. Part of Ruby's appeal is that she is so open and honest and that everyone or at least most people can relate to the battle of losing weight. I was mistaken about Ruby's initial size. Ruby went from and unimaginable 700lbs to her 356lbs frame. What an achievement!!! She chose to lose the weight naturally because she felt that there was not a quick fix. She wanted to learn why she ate as much as she did. She wanted to fix her problem and learn how to properly eat. She said that as a teenager she weighed between 250 and 280lbs. Although society would look at her and wonder how she got so big. . However, her motivation for losing the weight was that she didn't realize how limiting her life was and that the world was not made for people her size. Ruby answered one of my questions from my first blog about whether fat people are truly happy. Ruby said that she was always a very happy person. Her friends accepted her as she was and she never had a 'pity' moment.

Monday, March 9, 2009


The national gym called Bally's aired a commercial that said 'skinny jeans are in'. The commercial TOLD the viewer that they needed to get into a gym (Bally's) so that they can fit into a pair of skinny jeans. Newsflash: skinny jeans are not for everyone. What do you think about that?